
Dance Dimensions’ Policies

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TUITION is to be paid in full for any classes enrolled in or in two payments (1/2 at the time of registration and 1/2 by Jan 15 or mid-session). You are responsible for payment of all classes once enrolled regardless of attendance. (Payment in full at registration or before 1st class and receive a 5% discount!) If you do need other arrangements, please do talk to Sallee. Special monthly payment plans may be requested and approved under specific guidelines with automatic monthly payments to be set up through the website using paypal. We want to help and keep the students dance education uninterrupted. Payments can be made by mail, online or at the studio. Please be sure it is clearly marked with students name, date, amount paid. There is a $25 charge for any check returned for any reason.

ENROLLMENT-You are enrolled in a class for the full session of that class. Children’s classes run the full year, 33 classes, Sept-June unless stated otherwise. You are responsible for full payment of the class once enrolled regardless of attendance. To discontinue a class you MUST officially withdraw within 60 days of last class by written notice of medical or personal emergency. Refunds or credits are only on this basis and at Dance Dimensions discretion.

A $30 costume deposit is due at Registration and is nonrefundable after January 1st. This is to ensure your child will receive the class costume. No costume will be given to any student with an unpaid costume or tuition balance. Costume balance to be paid by April 1st.

You will not be credited for classes you/your child have missed unless officially withdrawn (see above). In the case of late enrollment tuition will be prorated. Classes canceled due to weather may not be rescheduled. You/Your child is welcome to make-up any missed class in any other appropriate class during THAT SESSION ONLY.

 Private or Special rate classes must be canceled no less than 24hrs in advance to be rescheduled. Less than 24hrs and you are responsible for payment.

 Classes may be canceled or subject to Special Rates if enrollment drops below 6. 

Observation of classes will be limited to specific classes designated as such; 1st class in December and March. We have found that a student’s concentration and performance is not 100% when visitors are present. So please help us limit distractions during class time by arriving no earlier than 5 minutes before class begins or ends and exiting quickly and quietly at the beginning of any classes. Please be courteous to the class and teacher as our studio is an open space where all is heard, seen and felt.

Feel free to arrange an opportunity to speak with Sallee or your instructor regarding your child’s progress or other concerns. We would be happy to speak with you at any time. Call 781-599-1476, ask for Sallee.


Proper dance wear is required of all students for all classes!

  • Balletgirls-pink or white tights & slippers, solid colored leotard or unitard (no shorts). Optional: fitted sweaters, leg warmers, short sheer skirt. Boys-black tights, stretch or sweat pants, white t-shirt, black slippers
  • Modern-tights & leotard, unitard, leggings & fitted t-shirt,fitted sweaters, bare feet
  • Jazz-tights & leotard, unitard, leggings & fitted t-shirt,fitted sweaters, jazz shoes
  • Tap-tights & leotard, unitard, leggings & fitted t-shirt,fitted sweaters, black tap shoes Taps must be secure and checked before every class to ensure they won’t damage the floor!
  • Hair must be neatly secured off the face at all times!

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